Safety & Security Services

The vessels and fleet technical management teams are supported by Carisbrooke’s Marine and ISM Departments, which also monitor performance and standards, aboard and ashore.

The Safety & Security Management Systems are purpose-made for the Company’s operational needs. These are implemented, reviewed, amended, maintained and monitored to ensure compliance with required codes, international conventions and United Kingdom and Isle of Man Flag State regulations.

Information, support, assistance and training are provided to the ship and shore staff whenever required.

Regular management reviews are made, on board and ashore, to ensure that the overall approach for continual improvement is maintained and that the company safety and security management systems remain suitable and effective for their intended purposes.

A designated, committed and easily accessible Emergency Response Team is appointed and includes members of the Senior Management Team and the Technical, ISM and Personnel Departments. The team is equipped and fully-trained to handle any situation where assistance is or may be required by the Company’s vessels.

The overall aim of Carisbrooke Shipping is to provide safe, efficient, cost-effective, responsible and high-quality management services to its clients, in order to meet its contractual and statutory obligations. To accomplish these objectives ,the Company complies with the requirements of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code, International Security Code for Ships and Ports Facilities (ISPS) and Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006.

All employees – both at sea and ashore – are expected to promote and support this commitment at all levels within their area of responsibility.


Carisbrooke Shipping aims to:

  • Provide the necessary resources in terms of time, manpower, facilities and funding
  • Ensure that services supplied are of the required standard and in compliance with the ISM Code, the ISPS Code, the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 with relevant National and International legislation
  • Work as a team to achieve continual improvement and cost-effective services
  • Maintain a safe, secure, economical and efficient operation at all times, bearing in mind that the safety and security of personnel, the ship and its cargo and the protection of the environment are of primary importance
  • Promote and improve safety and security awareness and safe working practices on board vessels and ashore
  • Encourage efficient communication between ship and shore staff to improve efficiency, to avoid waste of
    materials and resources and to develop a broad understanding of operational matters
  • Continuously improve the safety-management skills of personnel, ashore and aboard, including preparing for emergencies related to both to safety and environmental protection
  • To use its best endeavors to see that any vessel under its management is technically fit and able to perform as required or expected by the Owners/Clients